Important Features to Consider When Choosing a Sofa or Lounger

23 June 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog


Your home's sofa is a very important piece of furniture; other than your bed, the sofa is probably the one piece of furniture that you spend the most time on! The sofa is also usually the focal point of the living room, so it needs to be comfortable, durable, and attractive. Note a few features to consider when choosing a sofa or lounger so you know you find one that you'll enjoy and that will fit your living space overall.

Comfort and size

If you're the type who likes to stretch out on the sofa, or use it for napping, be sure you note the design of the arms. Square arms can be attractive, but they don't make for comfortable lounging! Square and tufted cushions also give little support, whereas a rounded and overstuffed design can be more comfortable.

You also need to consider the build of persons in the home. A tall person or someone with a large build may be more comfortable on a sofa with deep cushions. If you have a larger build, you also want a wider sofa, so that people don't feel crowded and everyone has space to relax. It can also be good to invest in some specific features for added comfort, such as a chaise lounge at one end, so you can put your feet up and really relax.


If you have kids or pets, or tend to eat on the sofa, you want to consider leather or vinyl, which often repels stains better than fabric. If you do choose an upholstered sofa, opt for something that is easy to clean, such as cotton. Wool, silk, and velvet may all absorb stains and be more difficult to clean yourself, requiring a professional steam cleaning when dirty.


When choosing a new sofa or lounger, consider how it will fit with the rest of your furniture pieces and decor of the home. You may love the look of slate grey fabric, but if your home is traditional with lots of wood trim, the grey may seem out of place, so choose something in an earth tone. A sofa in a square shape will seem very modern, so it's good for a modern home with lots of metal and glass accents, whereas a leather sofa with rolled arms may seem too traditional for a modern space. Don't choose a design based solely on what appeals to you in the catalogue, but consider how it will fit with your home's style and space.

When your looking for your next sofa, whether it's a classy leather couch or a modern modular lounge, look at the sites of companies that service your area to learn more about this topic